Wielding a needle and thread, using thread-worn, deconstructed and reconstructed patchwork quilts as her pallet, MartyO’s wearable art and art quilts are pointed commentary on the stereotypic, disempowering and oppressive roles forced onto women by our society over the last century -- and to this very day in many countries in the world. MartyO further explores a variety of themes including: reproductive and voting rights, the environmental damaged caused by the overconsumption of clothing fueled by cheap fast fashion, and the exploitation of cheap labor in modern “sweat shops.” Her more surreal and abstract art quilts reinforce her warm connections to her ancestors (and her unrealized dreams). Zero-waste design principles often determines the size, shape, and direction of her work. Often the provenance of the textiles have been lost, yet new narratives emerge in her textile reincarnations.
To have your own custom garment designed and personally constructed by Marty-O, contact marty@marty-o.com.